Rent a car at the best price in Belgrade
Rent a car Belgrade Galaxy Pro offers vehicles at affordable prices in Belgrade. We stand out for top service, reliable cars and vehicle rental without hidden costs.
Galaxy rent a car offers you its services 365 days a year 24/7, it is up to you to come to us and make sure of the unique service we can provide you. We do not want to talk about servicing our vehicles because it means that you can expect only the best from us.
Look no further, you are in the right place for a car rental service in Belgrade. Call us now or make a reservation online. We expect you.
Rent a car Galaxy pro Belgrade offers a wide range of small city cars, family limousines for longer journeys, passenger van cars of the latest generation, and recently a camper vehicle, also. You can book the most suitable vehicle at our company via online booking, by phone call available 24 hours or by e-mail. All our vehicles are 100% technically correct, maintained in authorized services, perfectly clean and tidy, have air conditioning, 4/5 doors and roadside assistance throughout Europe. In the gallery, see pictures of our vehicles in real state. Choose a vehicle according to your needs considering detailed description of each car. Here you will find details such as manual or automatic transmission, the strength of the vehicle in cc i kw, body type (station wagon or sedan), trunk size, average fuel consumption and related information. Details of van and camper vehicles can be found on our page Van rental.
Rezervišite sadI started Rent a car Galaxy pro as a young entrepreneur with a vision to become one of the leading companies in this business, driven by interests and serving needs of each individual client. The company was founded in 2012 with only 2 cars. The first year our was quite difficult, but we managed to raise the funds for the third car, and shortly after, the fourth. Now we have a fleet of more than 20 vehicles thanks to our loyal clients and their confidence in us , year after year . The reason for my and all the employees’ sucess in the company is that we try to raise the service to a higher level from day to day, and that's what clients recognize( admire). They are pleased to recommend us to their family and friends. This way, I want to thank all the clients who showed us confidence all these years and we hope that they will remain part of our small but successful family business. I also want to thank the family and colleagues who are with me from the beginning making great effort together and upgrading our service.
- Sava Selacki (Chief and Responsible for Delivery and Rental of Vehicles)
- Zoran Selacki - Bata (Chief and responsible for cleanliness of vehicle and positive spirit within the company)
- Nikola Sedlarevic - Tesla (Chief and responsible for the transportation of passengers in the country and abroad)
- Maja Jankovic (Wife who is help and support from the first day)
- Stefan Jankovic (Son that motivates me to be even better and more successful)
- Miloš Jankovic, Dragana Jankovic, Tatjana Jankovic - father, mother, sister (who helped me financially to start my job and see the potential in me)
Galaxy pro rent a car and transfer - limo service offers professional drivers and new generation vehicles that will make your journey extremely pleasant, comfortable and safe. We care about each customer and strive to adjust our service according to your wishes and needs. We are a reliable partner whose service is always at the highest level of professionalism, regardless of whether it is a business, tourist or other event. Design your own perfect trip by yourself, and our team is here to fulfill your expectations and if necessary, provide assistance with detailed travel arrangements. As we are carrying out a transport service, you remain focused on the surroundings and scenary . Take the time of the trip for yourself, family, friends or business partners. Instead of driving, enjoy the conversation or other activities , relax or simply rest in order to have the strength and will for further activities once you arrive at the destination. A professional and experienced driver, who knows the road and has hundreds of thousands of kilometers traveled, will make you feel safe and secure . Book a transfer and enjoy a journey that will be fully customized to you, your needs, requirements and wishes.
Stvarno za svaku preporuku,odlicna saradnja, prvi put sam kod njih iznajmio auto pre nekih mesec dana i od sada pa na dalje uvek kod njih. Pro svakom dolasku u Srbiju...Cena,kvalitet,ljubaznost i nivo usluge ubedljivo najbolji!!!
Odlična usluga i cena - sve je odrađeno i preko dogovora. Vrlo ljubazni i profesionalni. Svesrdno preporučujem Galaxy Pro Rent a Car kad god vam zatreba auto u Beogradu. Excellent service and price - it was everything that was agreed, and more. The staff are very courteous and professional. I would highly recommend Galaxy Pro Rent a Car any time you need a car in Belgrade.
I rented a car with them two years ago. I was pleasantly suprised with the service and the respect they had for me. I would recommend to everyone to rent from them.
Izuzetno profesionalna usluga, za svaku pohvalu. Automobil je bio u odlicnom stanju, cist I pouzdan. Jos jednom veliko hvala Gospodinu Bojanu I mom imenjaku.
Svaka čast na profesionalnom pristupu poslu i ljubaznošću zaposlenih
Izuzetno profesionalna usluga, dobila sam novo vozilo kao sto mi je i receno, za svaku preporuku...
Čisti I dobro održavani automobili. Uvek lepo mirišu. Cene možda i nisu za svačiji džep ali ko hoće da uštedi neka uzme taksi pa neka priča sa taksistom o rusima i amerima... Ili neka uzme bus pa neka džonja na stanici... Ja kao neko iz unutrašnjosti ne mogu da jurim prevoz kad dođem u bg... Dok ja stignem na sve stanice i u sve tramvaje treba da platim još jedan dan u hotelu da završim sve obaveze. Tako da, sve preporuke za Rent-a-Car Galaxy!
Preporucujem! Najbolji rent a car u Beogradu i sire. Kvalitet (novi, cisti, odrzavani automobili), povoljne cene, divni ljudi za saradnju... Hvala vam na svemu i vidimo se opet.
Jag använde biluthyrning att hyra en bil i Galaxy Pro och jag måste erkänna att jag var riktigt nöjd med professionalism anställda och övergripande service.